Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Saved Soul Smile

A Saved Soul Smile

As I stood in the midst of a refreshing,
brand new day,
I knew God had His reasons for allowing
me to stay.
To be a witness for Him with verses He
taught me to say,
Presenting Jesus to the lost or bringing
back one who's gone astray.

God has a mission for my life and I am
sure it's not complete,
Then when it is, He'll take me out and
from this life I retreat.
Until then I intend to be ready for any
opportunity He'll present,
To tell someone that Jesus is waiting
for them to repent.

God tells me there are many lost souls,
yet His laborers are few,
As I follow His lead, this may improve
by the time I'm through.
The number going to heaven growing as
the one to hell is less,
For some of those hearing the salvation
plan just may say yes.

God has a mission for all who are born
into this world He created,
However, only a few will ful-fill them
as His word has stated
I only have control of my mission and
I plan not to let God down,
My intention is to place a saved soul
smile onto a lost soul frown.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !