Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy Ever After

Happy Ever After

If only there could be a happily ever after,
Days of fragrant flowers and a life full of laughter,
A place of liberation for my soul to run free
Like an eagle soaring high above the trees.

Oh…to feel the breathe of God blowing in my face
As I dance with the stars that God has put in place.
How my soul would rejoice just to be totally free
For I am weighted down with sins captivity.

Even nature's longing for the day of perfect rest
When the curse is lifted and we become heaven's guest.
We're groaning and travailing, longing to be released
From this dreadful curse of life without perfect peace.

Oh… soul I know that it can't be very much longer
Till we're finally there in the happily ever after.
Some say this cannot be, that there is no such place
But we will be taken there by his love and grace

To a place where all creation will finally rest
A place where we'll go after the trials and the tests!
In the happily ever after, spirits running free
As we fall into Jesus arms just loving on thee!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Meanwhile, we groan as we're longing to be released,
To be clothed with our Father's righteousness and peace.
We will enjoy the presence of his holy laughter
Living with our Father in the happily ever after!
II. Cor. 5:2, Rom. 8:18-23
"Meanwhile we groan, longing for our heavenly dwelling because when we are clothed we will not be found naked. For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling."