Tuesday, June 7, 2016



If, on this paper, I could pen
just one of God's creations, then,
it'd prove to all, His mighty hand -
His miracles on sea and land.

But how can I take fish and bird -
express their beauty in mere word?
Or on my paper, what remains
when grasping fragrance from spring rains?

Into my words, do rainbows melt?
Is, on my paper, sunshine felt?
Can words expose a flower's bloom?
Can page bring music to a room?

While we can see and smell and touch
and hear, we do not know so much.
Mere words are dark and empty holes
just like our dead and empty souls.

Our pride stands in the way of Christ
while we all think we've sacrificed!
So humbly pray to God above
through miracles of peace and love.

We're like mere words as body dies.
But spirits live above the skies
to see in Heaven all the more -
His miracles, like none before.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !