Wednesday, June 8, 2016

It is Shame

It is A Shame

Occasionally my thoughts out run my brain,
Then I hear myself either brag or complain.
All uncalled for, of this there is little doubt,
As I brain feed them, truer words come out.

To brag, i take credit for what God's done,
For through Him my battles have been won.
He always lifts me up whenever I am down,
If not for Him, in a sea of problems I drown.

To complain is a shame, for I have no right,
The number of my blessings are out of sight.
So if I complain, remember what I have said,
They're wasted words that are not brain fed.

Brain before tongue and praises you'll hear,
As thoughts of past and present come clear.
Christ blood's covered my sins and its stain,
My thoughts here before I brag or complain.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!