Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My Days Are Numbered

My Days Are Numbered

My days they are numbered,
I don’t know how many remain
but one thing I know for sure . . .
to reach the goal, I must strain.

There are just so many hours,
God gives me each new day
and every minute counts . . .
as I travel the narrow way.

I can’t rest for a second,
I must keep on, pressing on
for I will never know when . . .
my time here will be gone.

There’s tons for me to do,
and my talents I must use
for what God has given me . . .
I mustn’t mistreat or abuse.

The minutes they tick quickly,
the seconds, oh how they do fly
and I must use them wisely . . .
before I say my final goodbye!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Jeremiah 10:6

"Forasmuch as there is none
like unto thee, O Lord;
thou art great, and thy name
is great in might."

Psalm 90:12

“So teach us to number our days,
that we may apply our hearts
unto wisdom.”