Saturday, June 20, 2015

I'm Walking Like You, Dad

I'm Walking Like You, Dad

A father took his little son
Out to the beach one day.
They would spend time together.
In the sand, the lad would play.

As they were walking together
Along the sandy seashore,
The father noticed that his son
Was watching him more and more.

Following closely behind his dad
Was the precious little lad.
Then the father heard him say,
"Look! I'm walking like you, Dad!"

He was stepping in Dad's footprints
As they strolled over the sand.
Dad saw the awesome responsibility
That lay in a good father's hand.

Sons follow their Dads' examples,
So he needed to examine his life.
He needed to be a Godly daddy
And a Godly husband to his wife.

Dad threw out his cigarettes,
His playing cards, and his beer.
He rededicated his life to God.
He had to rear a son so dear.

Dad, if you're not living for God,
Start today; please do not wait.
Your children's lives are precious.
One day it could be too late.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !