Tuesday, June 16, 2015

My Prayer:

My Prayer:

Please be there to help me,
For I cannot stand alone.
Please be there to guide me,
I can't make it on my own.
Please be there to lift me,
If I should fall by the way.
Please be there to give me
The right words to speak today.

Let me care for my brothers,
The ones who are down and out,
Putting love into action
Daring to be talked about.
Lifting someone's burden,
Telling them 'Jesus cares'
Give me strength and help me
To dry somebody's tears.

Someone was there for me,
When my life was in a mess,
Someone said, Jesus loved me,
And wanted me to find rest.
Now may I pass the message
To someone else in need,
Obeying His commandment,
By my words and my deeds.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless