Monday, May 25, 2015

Thank You, Veterans

Thank You, Veterans

As Christians in America,
We put God number one.
He so loved the world
That He sent His only Son.

Christians love America,
And for our nation we pray
That God will give us mercy.
Some pray this every day.

Many veterans live among us.
Part of their lives they gave,
Serving these United States.
Freedom, they wanted to save.

Thank you, honored veterans,
For serving our great nation.
We know it was not easy,
Moving from station to station.

Some of you dear veterans
Fought for our great land.
You risked your life to go,
And for freedom took a stand!

We must not ever forget
Those who gave their lives,
Fighting for our country,
Leaving parents, kids, and wives.

Thank you, dear veterans.
On Veteran's Day, we honor you.
You served this nation well.
For it, you stood so true.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please Pray  for Billy Phillips sister