Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Refine Me, Lord

Refine Me, Lord

Refine me, Lord,
purify me through and through.
Remove all my imperfections,
until I see only You.

Refine me, Lord,
until I am good as gold.
Take away all my insecurities,
and make me someone bold.

Refine me, Lord,
filter all my disbelieving out.
Reduce in me my hesitations,
until I no longer have a doubt.

Refine me, Lord,
cleanse me from my infirmities.
Hone in me Your strength,
and take from me my frailties.

Refine me, Lord,
purge the old man that lives inside.
Expose to me all my wickedness,
until I have nothing left to hide.

Refine, me Lord,
test me in Your truth and way.
Perfect in me a faultless heart,
and teach me not to stray.

Refine, me Lord,
purify Your love deep in me.
Polish joy into my very soul,
until Your image is all I see. 
Jan  Bagwell 
God Bless 
Zechariah 13: 9