Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My Love Will Come

My Love Will Come

Beautiful one, forsake those tears
Which you display to your false fears.
They all shall fall like needless rain
Because your sorrow is in vain.

I have made you, by My design,
A light to emulate and shine;
A priceless gem before My eyes,
So do not heed the world's harsh lies.

Gather them up, give them to Me,
And I will keep you safe and free.
Free of the self-doubt prowling inside,
And safe from the rage of wounded pride.

Oh hear Me now, and do not grieve,
My words are all you should believe.
I am the light, the truth, the way!
Listen, dear one, to what I say:

I have made each morning new,
And I will always be with you;
Your name is written on My heart,
And you are blessed and set apart.

Abide in Me, for I'm in you,
And witness what your Lord will do!
My love will come upon sunrise,
And night will fall on all their lies.
Jan  Bagwell
God  Bless !
I was  being  bully , yes at my age , this is what our Lord gave me . It was not physical  but it was  mentally . I  hope others  will  gain  strength  from it .