Monday, April 20, 2015

God Told the Birds

God Told the Birds

No one told the birds
The sun is not shining
No one told the birds
About silver linings
No one told the birds
The skies are overcast
No one told the birds
About living in the past

No one told the birds
Sing aloud at dawning
No one told the birds
Anything of wanting
No one told the birds
Not to sing in the rain
No one told the bird
Of weakness or of pain

No one told the birds
Dance among the cowslips
No one told the birds
Life would bring hardships
No one told the birds
Be happy with each day
No one told the birds
But they sing anyway

No one told the birds
There is no good in worry
No one told the birds
There is no need to hurry
No one told the birds
Naught of personal gain
No one told the birds
They would be sustained

Someone told the birds
Each day is a beginning
Someone told the birds
Life is not of winning
Someone told the birds
To look up to the skies
Someone told the birds
Who caused the sun to rise

Someone told the birds
Each day I have measured
Someone told the birds
You are my great treasure
Someone told the birds
Be happy how you’re made
Someone told the birds
He loves their serenade

Someone told the birds
Each day we have a duty
Someone told the birds
Always find the beauty
Someone told the birds
Of a Creator up above
Someone told the birds
Grace is because of Love
Jan bagwell
God   Bless !
Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]?