Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Into The Wilderness

Into the Wilderness


Into the wilderness,
we sometimes all have to go
when we start thinking
God’s  blessings  no longer flow.

We find that we're still hungry,
and our thirst isn't satisfied
so we wander off in the world
seeking what it has to provide.

We complain and we moan,
about our wanting state
for His provisions don't come
at a fast or quick enough rate..

We seem just to be surviving,
with the little that we've got
and the graces of our Lord
in our heart's we have forgot.

We can't see the future,
for today looks too bleak
we don't see how small we are
until He makes us feel weak.

Then the Lord sends to us,
His manna from above
and He covers us once again
with His mercy and love.

Into the wilderness,
we all sometimes have to go
but God only keeps us there
so our faith in Him will grow!

Jan Bagwell

God  Bless !

King  James Version

Exodus 16 :14

14 And when the dew that lay was gone up , behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing , as small as the hoar frost on the ground.