Monday, March 2, 2015

Beyond the deepest darkness

Beyond the deepest darkness

Beyond the deepest darkness there shines a Great Light;
inextinguishably burning, forever bright.
But the servants of darkness united as one
in their hatred against The Brightly Burning One.

They were determined all of His goodness to quell
so they dragged Him into the pit of death and hell.
This world of the dead became the last battle ground
and all of Satan's minions gathered around.

But He stood His ground before this mighty throng
when in death's sepulchre they rushed at Him headlong.
Trying to find one sin as in battle they engaged
and His soul was ravaged as Satan’s forces raged.

His strength was all dried up in His great weariness.
His tongue cleaved to His mouth and yet onward He pressed.
For three long days and nights without respite He fought
with those unearthly foes He wrestled and He wrought.

By His sinless life He destroyed Satan's powers,
winning the fight with death that final foe of ours.
Then bursting from the grave in triumph He arose
with victory and supremacy over His foes.

The Eternal Light and that Uncreated Beam
in which the Glory of God’s greatness can be seen;
that Wholesome and Holy; that Everlasting Light
still rd; and Christ.shines in the face of   Jesus Christ
burning bright. ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
2 Corinthians 4: 6
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.