Thursday, July 2, 2015


In this poem I expressed some of my thoughts about the Charleston church shootings which happened in June of 2015.


At their beloved church, it was time to meet,
And they welcomed a visitor off the street.
He asked for the pastor and wanted to stay
While they studied the Bible and bowed to pray.

They trusted the young man as he sat near.
They were sitting in church with nothing to fear.
For an hour the visitor behaved all right.
He did nothing violent nor wanted to fight.

Then to their surprise, he pulled out a gun
And started to shoot them one by one.
To take their lives, he said that he must.
In tragedy and violence, he betrayed their trust.

He killed six ladies and also three men
Just because of the color of their skin.
God in His wisdom and God in His grace
Made each individual, and He made each race.

When children grow up hearing God's Word,
And the salvation story, they have heard,
And they take Christ Jesus as their Savior,
In them, we don't usually see violent behavior.

One day God sent His Son to the earth.
Born in a manger, He had a lowly birth.
He grew up, and He became our sin sacrifice.
As the Lamb of God, He paid the great price.

Into enemy hands, Jesus Christ was betrayed.
"Thy will be done" to His Father He prayed.
On a cruel cross, He was crucified.
For each person's sins, He bled and died.

Jesus, God's Son, arose from the dead.
He had victory over death just like he said.
He died for me and for the young murderer too.
He died for all races, and He died for you.

Trust Jesus Christ as your Savior today.
You can go to Heaven with your sins washed away.
Our God is merciful, and our God is just,
And He will never, never betray our trust.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !