Wednesday, July 1, 2015

An Independence Day Prayer

An Independence Day Prayer

Lord, on July fourth we'll celebrate
Independence Day in our nation.
You gave us the truth to set us free.
You sent Jesus to die for our salvation.

We thank you for the precious freedom
That we have in our nation today.
We know this country's not perfect,
But we honor our nation, the USA.

We thank you for the Founding Fathers,
Who for freedom took a brave stand.
Many placed their very lives in peril
To start a free country in a new land.

I thank you for the brave soldiers,
Who gave their lives to keep us free.
They gave their ultimate sacrifice
For freedom for Americans like me.

As we shoot fireworks and celebrate
With patriotic concerts and parades,
We thank you for all your blessings
And your great love that never fades.

As we gather with our loved ones
For picnics and barbecues and fun,
We want to thank you for everything,
Especially for sending your only Son!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !