Monday, May 4, 2015

New Mercies

New Mercies
New mercies each day,
fall from heaven above
sprinkles of eternal hope
raindrops of God’s love.
Showers of grace upon us,
from the skies they descend
with promises one day . . .
to heaven, we will ascend.
New mercies each day,
to replenish and restore
grace today sufficient
tomorrow, will rain more.
In our weaknesses,
new mercies God sends
to heal and to comfort
to repair and to mend.
New mercies each day,
from heaven they flood
washing our sins clean
in Jesus’ precious blood.
When to God we confess,
the disease of our sin
new mercies He sends
to cleanse us within.
New mercies each day,
God’s love showers on us
great is His faithfulness
to those who do trust!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless