Tuesday, March 24, 2015

-Rise and Shine- (The Dream)

-Rise and Shine- (The Dream)

You ruffled your nest the night before
Turned off the light, shut the door
So tired of the daily heap
That closes in and robs your sleep
You tucked your child into bed
He said his prayers, laid down his head
You filled his basket to the brim
Does the Easter Bunny take away from Him?
You thought to yourself as you closed your eyes
So unaware of the night's surprise
That would climb inside your deepest dream
Some things are not the way they seem

You find yourself on a mountain top
So far away from a bunny's hop
Off in the distance you see a tomb
Where light pours out, there is no room
No room to contain the power inside
The darkness had to run and hide
And there beside a sun risen sky
Something else caught your eye
A Man in white rises above
A familiar face you've grown to love
He sits right next to the Father's throne
You realize you are not alone
There beside you jumping in bed
You feel your child's tousled head
A basket of candy, chocolates and eggs
Jostle you, along with legs
"Happy Easter," says your boy
The Easter Bunny brings him joy

Back on earth, awakened from dream
You know the Father reigns supreme
You hug your son making sure he knows
That Jesus died, and Jesus rose
And that's one thing no man can stop
No matter where the bunnies hop
You smile to yourself, and rub your eyes
Then out of bed, you both do rise
Rise and shine to a brand new day
The Light of Christ will lead the way...
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please  Pray for Me !