Sunday, March 22, 2015

From A Pastor's Wife

From A Pastor's Wife
My husband and I started a church two years ago, and have had
many twists and turns during that time (not including the 30+
years in ministry). We've experienced great joy, as well as
great sorrow. We feel He is leading us to let go of this
ministry (we've taken this congregation as far as we can)
and seek another ministry.

We haven't been paid in many months, and it was only through a  generous gift of an ex-member (a family who moved away) that his  pay was partially caught up. I know all the sayings, "It's  darkest just before dawn...there is no temptation too great...",  but it can be discouraging when you're coming up to a twist and  can't see the road ahead.

We have listened for that still small voice. So far, He has not
opened another door of ministry, although we've been actively
searching. I recently read  that "The waiting doesn't seem so
long after it's accomplished."

And it really isn't about the money,.but money in a church can
be a symptom of another problem. And you DO need money to live.
Fortunately, my husband has been a good steward of what the Lord
has provided in 30 years of ministry. We still own our home and
eat healthy.

I'm reminded of a line in "Out of Africa" when Meryl Streep's
character comments, "God made the earth round so that we
could not see too far down the road."

My husband and I struggle daily, attempting to "pump up tires,
and put out fires." He's never missed being with a family
member before surgery, no matter what time of the day or night
it was. He's been called to counsel at truly ungodly hours.
He's listened to people who separate, divorce or just fight
because they can't say 2 phrases:
#1-- I love you, and
#2-- I forgive you (or will you forgive me).

Please encourage your pastor and his family. They love you and
pray for you daily. They have spent their lives in service to
you and need your care. Some of them are at the end of their

Thank  You Pastor Paul and Janet