Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Love Beyond Measure

Love Beyond Measure

We show our love to others
On Valentine's Day each year.
We give cards, flowers, and  candy
As Valentine's Day draws near.

A  candlelight dinner  that night
Can be a romantic experience too.
We treasure those special moments
With all the loving things we do.

God showed His great love for us
When He sent His only begotten Son.
Jesus died to save us from our sin.
His salvation plan is the only one.

So great is God's infinite love!
His love is love beyond measure!
If we accept His gift of salvation,
We can possess the greatest treasure.

That great treasure is eternal life.
Salvation is a gift that is free.
Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Experience His love through eternity!
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !

Let  all pray for our friend Judy Howard for a complete Healing