Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

February fourteenth, what a day!
In many ways, we try to say
"I love you, and I mean it too.
I want you to know my love is true."

We give flowers and candy hearts
With cupids shooting red love darts.
To others, we send pretty cards
With rhyming words written by bards.

It's Valentine's Day again, you see.
Some men get down on bended knee
And propose to their sweeties so fair,
For today love floats in the air!

There are parties for kids at school.
They swap Valentine cards so cool.
They eat lots of candy and sweets.
Teachers can't keep them in their seats.

They love Valentine's Day in stores.
Many men come through the doors
To buy a last minute Valentine gift,
Paying the price and forgetting thrift.

Let's not forget about the greatest love.
It comes from the Heavenly Father above.
He sent His Son Jesus to die for all.
Upon Him for salvation, you can call.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !