Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Life's Greatest Moment

Life’s  Greatest  moment

A life's greatest moment happens as Jesus
enters in and becomes it's centerpiece,
For then and only then will the pressures
from a life of sin begin to cease.
Deep down inside there is a sense of
freedom coming with each breath taken,
Because now God's the ruler of this life
and Satan is the one whose forsaken.

There's Light coming from this new life 
as The Light of Life dwells within,
Replacing darkness that was there before,
shadowed by the ever presence of sin.
Allowing the outward appearance to bring
forth a love that flows up from the soul,
As this life moves forward in an attempt 
to carry out God's plans for it's role.

Now then much wisdom will be needed, for 
the truth is seen only by the wise,
Because so many times it's been hidden
behind some very clever disguise.
Then the only place where this wisdom is
found is in God's infallible word,
Here sixty six books have been written by
His writers of things seen and heard.

Indeed, this life's greatest moment came
as Jesus breathed new life in it's soul,
Yet from this point on, it will get even
better as it's entered to heaven's roll.
There to be rewarded with crowns earned
on earth as service to God was rendered,
Now the greatest eternal moment comes as
the gates of heaven are entered.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !