Friday, February 20, 2015

A Mother's Prayer

A Mother's Prayer

God, please bless my children
Care for them as they grow
Fill them with your Spirit to
Teach them all you know
Lord, count each hair upon their heads
As they lay down at night
Cover them with loving wing
Until the morning light
Help me be a mother who is
Gentle and is kind
Help me give, help me love
Bring peace into my mind
Thank you for this family
I love them with all my heart
Watch over them when they are with me
Take care when we're apart
Lord don't let them stumble
Catch them if they fall
They are precious to me
They are my one and all
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless
Today  a very dear friend [Frankie Wilson ]  text me  , about  her Mother [Irene Patton] who is in the hospital  . Please be in much Prayer for this dear lady , So I wrote a poem  for every mother with children . We all are blessed who still have our mothers with us .Please be  in  prayer for another  very dear friend , Mary Phillipps   .