Wednesday, October 1, 2014

When all prophesy becomes history

When all prophesy becomes history

When all prophesy becomes history
then there will be no need for mystery.
When Christ has come like a thief in the night
and believing faith has turned to sight.

With a great command and a trumpet call
then the Lord will appear before us all.
As heaven opens wide and Jesus bursts through
coming to earth to collect me and you.

For then the Day of the Lord will be here.
and in the sky we will see Him appear
The promised Lord Jesus Christ will have come
to take the Christians with Him back home.

Then He will begin His eternal reign
when Christians have left this earthly plain,
Then forever with the Lord we shall be
secure in Christ for all eternity.
1 Thessalonians   5:2  For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a
thief in the night
Please pray for our friend  Betty Hill  ,