Monday, September 29, 2014

I felt that someone was with me!

I felt that someone was with me!

After nearly 16 years of service, my company laid me off two
weeks ago.  I didn't have as much responsibility as the man in
your story, but I was middle-management working about 55 hours a
week, with 50 employees, and responsibility of customer
satisfaction in a $6M auto center.  I was extremely stressed
out, and my family life was suffering.

I had reached a point in my life about six weeks ago, frustrated
and tired, and prayed to God to help me.  I told Him I would
trust in Him wherever He led me.

I decided to, "let go, and let God" help me.

This was a big thing for me, because I had not been "religious"
for some time.  I was raised a Catholic, but over the years had
grown away from the church.

When I was laid off, I was stunned.  I couldn't believe that
this was what was supposed to happen when I left my life in
God's hands.

Then I remembered my vow to trust Him.  I felt peace at that
moment.  I kept asking for signs that I am heading in the right

...and then I read  your yesterday's  Blog

It was the sign I needed!

J.B., Fort Lauderdale, FL
Are any of  you having J.B. problems , 
Remember who you are in the Lord and pray !

My Favorite of the Weak

Some look at weakness
As if it's a sin.
We all have some weakness
So let's all begin...

To find our own weakness
And rely on God more.
He will give us the strength
To crack open the door.

Don't hide it, or deny it,
Bring it out in the light.
Being honest is best,
It is good in God's sight.

When we see someone's weakness
Don't point a finger.
Go to their side,
Don't let judging linger.

Don't be afraid,
Let your weakness be known.
Encourage others
So they don't feel alone.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !