Thursday, April 10, 2014

No Man

No Man

No man could quench the crimson flood
That crowned the sacred hill
No man could grasp this picture of
Submission to God's will
As on a dark and cruel cross
He wrought salvation's plan
And paid for the eternal loss
Of vile and hopeless man

No man could feel the anguish there
As Abba turned away
No man could understand His prayer
Or where His purpose lay
As there beneath a crown of thorn
He laid aside His glory
Clothed instead with body torn
To write love's greatest story

No man could understand the power
As He cried, "It is finished"
Or realized here dawned the hour
Where death's defeat diminished
And as the minds of feeble man
Saw death's finality
No man could see love's endless span
Secured at Calvary

No man could bar the Holy Tomb
Where Heaven's Master lay
No man could know a Perfect Groom
Now waits his Wedding Day
No man could know the sacrifice
Of this One Perfect Lamb
Or realize the total price
Paid by the great I AM

But now all men may know He lives
He sets the captive free
In love and mercy He forgives
Our vast iniquity
Who-so-ever will may come
And now all men can know
He waits to welcome sinners home
Redeemed in Calvary's flow
Jan Bagwell
God Bless ! !