Wednesday, April 9, 2014

When I See a Cross

When I See a Cross

On a hill far away
Stood a cross we are told.
It was there my dear Lord
Paid a price for my soul.
And when I see a cross
I see suffering and shame
I see mercy and grace
As He took the blame.

In a hillside nearby
Was a tomb not His own.
It was there where they laid
His still body alone.
And when I see a cross
I see anguish and pain
I see pardon and love
But He died not in vain.

With the stone rolled away
An angelic voice said,
"Take a look there inside,
He is no longer dead."
And when I see a cross
I see one last breath
I see victory and joy
As my Lord conquered death.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !