Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I'lll Be Looking For You

I'lll Be Looking For You

I'll be Looking for You
When the trumpet shall sound
and I rise from the ground...
as the Heavens depart like a scroll;
When I sail through the air
I'll remember this prayer;
For I'm praying today for your soul.

I'll be looking for you
when life's journey is through
and all burdens have vanished away.
Now, I'm asking the Lord
and my whole heart is poured
in this prayer I am praying today.

Will you meet me someday
in that Home far away...
with no heartache nor sorrow to bear?
In those Mansions Sublime...
May yours be next to mine.
If we never meet me there.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !
God answers our prayers
not because we pray so good
but because He is a great God
and answers like He said He would
It's not flowery words or phrasing
that gets His attention to hear
but a sincere heart that seeks Him
is when He draws near
God listens to all our groanings
and knows our every need
He hears the cry of the poor and needy
and with compassion will take heed