Friday, March 28, 2014

Let us Pray

 Bow the head in supplication,
    Lowly, penitent, sincere,
Worthiest of adoration,
    God, the Holy One is here!--
Here, while through the open casement
    Gently beams the rising day,
While, in contrite self abasement,
    Reverently we kneel and pray!

Let us pray!--we're weak and weary,
    Faint of heart and slow of limb,
Over mountains dark and dreary
    Lies our pathway--narrow, dim,
Thorn beset and demon-haunted,
    Steep and slippery is the way,
Would we tread it all undaunted,
    Firm of footstep?--let us pray!

Let us pray!--on every spirit,
    Secret, solemn records lie,
Of transgression and demerit,
    Only seen by God's pure eye,--
Secret sins, desires unholy,
    Thoughts impure that once held sway,--
Oh, in penitence most lowly,
    Deeply contrite, let us pray!

Let us pray!--we need forgiveness,--
    Strength and patience to endure,--
For our arduous labors fitness,--
    Spirits consecrate and pure,
Shelter need when storms are round us,--
    Bread of Heavenly life each day,--
Help when hidden snares surround us,--
    Guidance always--let us pray!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

“Those who look behind will never see beyond.”