Friday, March 21, 2014

What Happened To The Altar?

What Happened To The Altar?

In our churches in days of old,
Preachers preached God's Word.
The Holy Spirit worked in hearts
When Bible preaching was heard.

The altars back then were filled
With people getting hearts right.
Tears of repentance were shed.
This was such a glorious sight!

Back then we had revival meetings
That lasted for a week or two.
Souls got saved, and hearts got right
Before those meetings were through.

Our churches still have altars,
And we have Bible preaching today,
But how many respond to altar calls?
How many people weep and pray?

Alas, our lives are now too busy,
And life's pressures are so strong,
We do not have the extra time
For revival meetings that are long.

Do we still have family altars
In our Christian homes of today?
Do we worship God as a family?
Do we read God's Word and pray?

What happened to the altar?
Where are the repentant tears?
We've lost interest in revival
In these last several years.

Christians, let us rededicate
Our lives to Christ, our Lord.
Let's have revival in our hearts
And worship God in one accord.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !