Monday, March 17, 2014

Trust Fund

Trust Fund

Got me a trust fund,
use it every day
I can always count on it
especially when I pray.

God is the grantor,
His assets are all mine
it's just like having
an eternal credit line.

I withdraw from it often,
but I never take a loss
for the rates are based on
the finished work of the cross.

Jesus is my inheritance,
I trust Him with all my heart
for I am the beneficiary
of the grace that He imparts.

My trust fund is secure,
the dividends keep growing
I am very confident . . .
to heaven ~ I'll be going!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
“Jesus was the original street healer. He traveled the streets of Israel on foot, staying wherever He found lodging. During His travels He told people the secrets of their hearts, healed all who were sick and demon-possessed, raised the dead and shared the mysteries of the kingdom of God. This was His lifestyle and it could be yours.”