Friday, January 31, 2014

The One

The One

We simply cannot grasp the loss
Until it becomes our painful cross
Whether we become the one
When at last all is said and done.

There is suffering and heartache
So humbling when we must take
Yet, if there would be but one
Who believes in God, the Son.

Rest and peace will surely come
Even when a body must succumb
Because God asks for us to care
Take the time to love and share.

And only time will truly tell
If we are the one, or the well
For the one who needs the friend
Might become you, in the end.

Life is hard and unpredictable
But God calls on the able
Yet sadly so many fail to give
In their own life they will live.

So hear the words the Savior sends
He says, "I have called you friends"
There is no greater love, cries the Son
When you are called to be the "one"
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for a friend... I have called you friends..." (John 15:13-15)
My mother is doing better , PRAISE  GOD , she will be move to rehap  on Monday  God willing . I like to thank all you for praying for her .
May God bless you !