Monday, January 20, 2014

The Glorious Appearing

The Glorious Appearing

I gazed at the eastern sky today
Thinking, "How blissful it will be
If Jesus should come for me today
And set my awaiting spirit free."

It will be a glorious appearing
As He breaks through the eastern sky,
Announced by the trumpet sound
As His glorious coming draws nigh.

Like a huge magnet, He will draw
All the believers to His side
And escort them all up to Heaven
Where with Him they will abide.

Those dead in Christ shall rise
And meet the Savior in the air.
Then those who are alive in Christ
Will be caught up together there.

Oh what a glad, glorious appearing!
I am looking forward to that day
When Jesus, the Bridegroom appears
To usher His Bride, the Church, away! 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Brothers and Sisters in Christ , are you ready ? Have you got your family ready  ? Are we doing all we can , to win others to Jesus ?  Is there time ?