Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Child Of God

Child Of God

I ask myself, child of God, do you see the pure beauty He puts before your eyes,
Those twinkling stars shining at night and the blue filling the daylight skies.
In beholding this spectacular scene, has there been gratitude that you shared,
To it's Marvelous Creator, to whom there is no other that can ever be compared.

I ask myself, child of God, do you see those about you that have a special need,
That God's placed in your path and can be helped if you take time to intercede.
Perhaps you should pray with them or for them, either way, God hears the prayer,
That will give spiritual encouragement to help them overcome a burden they bear.

I ask myself, child of God, are you aware of the lost you pass by most ever day,
Then are you very faithful in presenting their condition to God when you pray.
Whenever the opportunity is given, are you quick to tell of The God you serve,
Of how He richly blesses you and gives you far more in life than you deserve.

I say to myself, child of God, there's been many things in life you didn't see,
Therefore, instead of being a help to God, you failed these rather miserably.
Today, God has strengthened me, made me wiser, giving me a clear vision to see,
With every life that He allows me to encourage, He'll gain the final victory.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !