Thursday, October 9, 2014

Remember, Read My Heart

Remember, Read My Heart

My Child, when sorrow covers you,
when every hope departs,
though faith may seem to be afar,
remember, read My Heart.

When you feel lost and all alone,
and suffer fear’s dread darts,
temptation will say I have gone,
but you can read My Heart.

For in your time of deepest need
you must this promise hold.
I love you more than words can say
more than can e’er be told.

I carry you within my breast.
Each hurt you bear, I feel.
And though all else may turn to dust,
My care for you is real.

So weather faithfully the storms
that tear and dash apart
each remnant of your earthly life.
Remember, read My Heart.

Fret not to understand the why
of losses you must bear.
For there will come a Time, you’ll see,
when I make all things fair.

Now rest your head upon my arm,
and we will bear the pain.
Though dark the night and steep the way,
I with you will remain.

Don’t trust the weakness of dim sight
for I the course will chart.
And when you fear you are alone,
remember, read My Heart.
Jan  Bagwell
God Bless !
“How priceless is your unfailing love!
Bold high and low among men find refuge in
The shadow of your wings.”