Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Crossroad

The Crossroad

We're each met with a crossroad
On our earthly sojourn;
A road that's scarcely traveled
And another that's well worn.

You see, I have full pound a map,
That speaks of great reward,
But you must take the journey
Requiring the sword.

You'll venture down a passage
In need of some paving.
Many claim to walk this path
That few are really braving.

At first you will have many
Walking along with You,
But as the road gets narrow,
The crowd gets smaller too.

This road has many briefs
For snakes to hide inside.
With a path so hard to cross,
You'll surely need as guide.

I've found this man named Jesus,
And I can call Him friend,
Who lights the way before you
And walks with you 'til the end.

He'll recognize each mountain
And every narrow combe.
Who better to guide us to head's
Than the one who calls it home?

So now you're at the crossroad.
Which one will you choose?
Easy road of no reward,
Or one most would refuse?
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Remember Men  Truth , Honor , Respect