Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Early Morning

Early Morning

Youth, it will always seek the morn
Drawn in awe to the rising sun
Make ready to begin another day
The work, the cause, not yet done.

The early morning belongs to these
They stand amazed at the sight
Knowing God has gifted them again
Courageously push aside the night.

Whispering another thankful prayer
A tiny glow begins the morning hour
When the sun brilliantly lights the sky
There is no doubt of His mighty power.

Youth, it always seeks the morn
Cherishing those days now passed
Slowly, peacefully the sun will set
Youth though wonderful cannot last.

The early morning may shift in time
And one day you might watch the sun
Then follow it lazily, hiss into the sea
Though your work is still not done.

Our God has gifted you, gifted you
Much more than you could ever see
When the sun sets, I give thanks
For the friend you are to me.

Someday I wish to walk the shore
But in the early morning, I rest
Find me gazing at the setting sun
The time of day I love the best.

Time---Oh you are blessed with time
So, praise Him in the early morn!
God smiled when He gave you more
Remembers the day you were born.
Psalm 113:3 “ From the rising of the sun to it’s  going down .
The Lord is to be praised .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please pray for Betty a friend of mind she is having medical problems