Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Strong Faith.

Strong Faith.
 A small congregation in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains built [Tyron , N.C.]
New sanctuary on a piece of land willed to them by church member.
 Ten days before the new church was to open, the local building inspector
 informed the pastor that the parking lot was inadequate for the size of
 the building Until the church doubled the size of the parking lot, they
 would not be able to use the new sanctuary.

 Unfortunately, the church with its undersized lot had used every inch of
 their land except for the mountain against which it had been built.  In
 order to build more parking spaces, they would have to move the mountain
 out of the back yard.  Undaunted, the pastor announced the next Sunday
 morning that he would meet that evening with all members who had
 "mountain moving faith."
 They would hold a prayer session asking God to remove the mountain from
 the back yard and to somehow provide enough money to have it paved and
 painted before the scheduled opening dedication service the following

 At the appointed time, 24 of the congregation's 300 members assembled
 for prayer.  They prayed for nearly three hours.  At ten o clock the
 said the final "Amen".  "We'll open next Sunday as scheduled "
 he assured everyone.  "God has never let us down before, and I believe
 He will be faithful this time too."

 The next morning as he was working in his study there came a loud knock
 at his door.  When he called "come in", a rough looking construction
 foreman appeared, removing his hard hat as he entered.
 "Excuse me, Reverend.  I'm from Durham Construction Company over in the
 next county.  We're building a huge shopping mall.  We need some fill
 Would you be willing to sell us a chunk of that mountain behind the

 We'll pay you for the dirt we remove and pave all the exposed area free
 of charge, if we can have it right away.  We can't do anything else until
 we get the dirt in and allow it to settle properly."
 The little church was dedicated the next Sunday as originally planned
 and there were far more members with "mountain moving faith" on opening
 Sunday than there had been the previous week!

 Would you have shown up for that prayer meeting?
 Some people say faith comes from miracles.
 But others know:
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Remember God is not limited to small Prayers
If  you have the impossible take to  God
Because with Him all things are possible !!