Tuesday, July 1, 2014

How to Save a Nation

How to Save a Nation
Colossians 1:3-14

July 4th is the day we honor our nation's founding. We celebrate it in many ways: watching firework displays with their dazzling colors and sounds; participating in backyard barbecues in the company of family and friends; and watching colorful parades with high school bands and armed forces units marching by. It is a day filled with activity.

This July 4th finds our nation in need of rescue. Our country's slide down the slippery slope of godless living has accelerated. It started years ago when our nation departed from God's Word and established a belief system that separated our country from God and His ways. As a nation, we are now reaping a bitter harvest from those decisions in every level of government and business, in our communities, and in our families as well.

However, there is still hope. While we have seen our nation's values change dramatically, our God has not changed. He continues to have the power to turn our country back to Him. Scripture makes it clear that when Christ-followers obey the command to pray (Colossians 4:2), God is willing to act in response to those prayers. Because our nation's future is in our leaders' hands and they, in turn, are in God's hands (Romans 13:1), our prayers for them can have a powerful impact.

This July 4th, won't you add in a time of prayer for our nation? Establish a new tradition, one of appealing to God on behalf of our government's leaders. Then continue to pray until God turns our country toward trusting in Christ alone. 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !
 Men become what they dream.