Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Pastors Wife

She stands among the shadows with a smile upon her face,
And quietly encourages with love, and strength and grace.

She always offers solace, and holds tightly to his hand,
And when he feels inadequate, he knows she'll understand.

She's ready with a listening ear for what he has to say,
But things she hears in confidence she never will betray.

Their time alone is limited because he has to be
Available to all the flock who need his ministry.

Yet still she's there when like a child he clings to her embrace,
And draws upon her comfort for the trials he must face.

She is the unsung heroine who helps his load to bear,
And lifts him up consistently with tender, loving care.

The world applauds a Pastor who can help to change a life,
But half the credit for success belongs to his dear Wife.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please Pray for
 Pastor David Bagwell , He as TMJ and Sinus or Flu 
Brother Billy Phillps as a blood cloth
Hazel Bagwell broke her wrist  she is 95 years old
Brother Stan Cape gave his heart to Jesus , 
Nadine Stvan 
Scott Bagwell