Friday, March 14, 2014

The Fault

He caught his brother in a fault, and quickly launched a full assault.
He felt that he was duty-bound to spread the knowledge all around.
And soon it seemed the whole world knew about the fault, as rumors flew.
Reactions to the news were split. Some disbelieved--but bit by bit
The church of God was torn apart by sins that grieved the Father's heart.

If only he had gone alone, when first his brother's fault was known,
And as they both knelt down to pray, showed him the error of his way - -
His brother might have sought God's face,
 and asked forgiveness through God's grace.
The church would not have suffered shame,
 nor brought dishonor to God's Name.
Instead, by faith, it would have grown,
 as to the world God's love was shown.
Jan Bagwell                                                                    
God Bless !                                                                     
Please Pray for
Pastor David Bagwell , He as TMJ and Sinus or Flu
Brother Billy Phillps as a blood cloth
Hazel Bagwell broke her wrist she is 95 years old
Brother Stan Cape gave his heart to Jesus ,
Nadine Stvan
Scott Bagwell