Friday, December 27, 2013

Pressing On For God

Pressing On For God

The sands of time are sinking fast.
Another year has come at last.
God has brought us through so much.
His great love, our lives doth touch.

We hear the media give its bad news.
It seems that righteousness doth lose.
It seems sometimes that sin doth reign.
It seems that the world has gone insane.

Our God still reigns upon His throne,
And He can lead and guide His own.
Even as the ages and years doth roll,
Our Heavenly Father stays in control.

Let's trust Him and cast away all fear
As we press on for our God this year.
We can find the faith that we need.
Let's always pray! His Word, let's read! 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !
I just like to say,

"Thank You So Much.

We remember the men, who went off to war,
We remember today, what they all fought for.
We remember kids growing up with no dads.
For they laid down their lives, giving all they had.

Homes that will never, ever be the same again,
For the 'ravages of war' to almost every home came.
We remember the women, they were such brave hearts,
For 'freedom' and country', they played a great part.

We remember it all so clearly today,
For that kind of mem'ry will not fade away.
Today we remember, and we all say 'thank you,'
For the brav'ry, the sacrifice, and all you went through.

We remember the ones who lived to come home
Crippled and broken, mind, spirit and bone.
We owe you so much, we can never repay
For we can never give back, what the wars took away.

To those brave souls, who now are fighting for right,
We hold up your names, keep them ever in sight.
We pray for you all whether you're near or far,
That God will watch o'er you wherever you are.

Bring you safely home again, to loving arms
To family and friends, and no more sound of guns.
And to those who died while defending our lands,
We salute you all, with both our hearts and our hands,"