Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas TIme

Christmas TIme

Christmas Time

Yes, Christmas is the time,
Where little boys and girls.
Will finally receive,
Long sought for special toys.

A time when moms,
Bake cakes and pies.
When folks will gather,
Of renewing family ties.

And ones who rarely smile,
Have grins upon their face.
Those who always hurry by,
Have greetings in there place,

They don't even comprehend,
They say, "tis the season",
GO on their merry way,
And never know the reason.

I wonder why that is,
Why all that "peace on earth"
It started in a stable,
With a virgin giving birth.

It's a love I can't explain,
I will not even try.
That God would send his son,
Born - just to die.

But isn't it ironical,
though Him no honor pay,
The world spends its millions
To Celebrate His day!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !