Monday, December 9, 2013

The Sundial

The Sundial

 At the center of the garden amidst nature's vibrant hue
Stands a metal sundial sprinkled with the morning dew
With the rising of the sun, the purpose comes in view
As shadows fall, revealing time, the day begins anew

Shadows move as the sun marches across the sky
Receding and advancing as time passes by
From morn to eve, on quick wing those shadows fly
Bringing forth the coming darkness of night, ever nigh

One's life here is but a shadow flitting quickly pass
Present for a brief moment, then fading lake the grass
Our days in this world disappearing oh so very fast
With the coming night so near, we wish the day would last

Frantically clinging to every precious ray of light
Pushing back those ever marching shadows of night
Grasping hold of every moment so tight
Not wanting to give up a single day without a fight

If only we knew that day is night and night is day
Then in the present, we'd not so eagerly want to stay
For no fear in the night's darkest shadows would lay
When into the blessed arms of Jesus is our path's way 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!