Tuesday, September 24, 2013

There is a Savior

There is a Savior

Don’t let the trials of life overtake you
Don’t let the pride of your life take control
There is a Savior Who lovingly guides you
Kindly He leads, all His virtues extoll

If of the Savior you ever have taken
You know the joy and the peace He imparts
Trust Him for He all your sin has forgiven
Jesus alone is the Cleanser of hearts

Walking with Jesus gives clarification
Bringing to light all the sins in your life
His Holy Spirit’s kind examination
Shows you where sin in your being is rife

Trust in the Father He only desires
To make us more like His own holy Son
All that He does, even trials of fire,
Are for our best, as we’ll see when He’s done 
Jan Bagwell
God  Bless !

It is our choices that show what we truly are, 
far more than our abilities.