Thursday, August 1, 2013

My Prayer For You


I pray that you will do what's right,
That with God's strength the Devil you'll fight.
That you will be God's special servant,
That your face may be set like a flint--
To always do what pleases God,
To walk the path your parents have trod.

I pray that God will always come first,
So that your life will truly be blessed.
That God will have complete control,
That to hear "Well done" will be your goal.
To hear Him say, "My child, well done!
You've kept the faith, the race you've won."

I pray you'll follow wherever He leads,
Either in your own country or overseas.
That you'll give the Gospel to them that are lost,
That you'll tell it to them no matter the cost.
That they'll see from your life that God is real,
And they'll see that God in them, too, can dwell.

So as you live your life each day,
Put God first in every way.
Hey, it isn't dull and boring,
Serving God is quite exciting!
So put God first in all you do,
This is my prayer for you.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

97% of burlar alarms that police respond to are false.

So it is with burglar alarms, so it is with our lives.

Most of what alarms us and what fear never happens and is
