Monday, November 11, 2013

The Theater

The Theater
A villager came to the big city for the first time in his life.
He was amazed at the many wonders in the big city. He wanted to
buy something to bring back to his village. Most of the items
needed electrical connection and his village didn't even have
any electricity. He was delighted when he found a flashlight.
He bought the flashlight, which fascinated him every time he
pushed the switch and a bright light came on.
As he continued on his way, he noticed people waiting in line.
He inquired what this line was for and was told that they were
waiting to enter a theater where there was a movie playing.
He had no idea what a movie was, but decided to wait in line
too. He paid for a ticket and was ushered into a dark room.
After a little while, a picture started playing. He was
fascinated to see the beautiful scenery and all the action on
the screen.
Then he remembered the flashlight in his pocket.
"I will shine the flashlight on the picture, so I will see it
even better." He took out the flashlight and shone it straight
at the screen, but to his amazement the picture became faded.
From all sides people started shouting that he should turn off
the light!
"But I only wanted to get a better view of the picture," he said
to the one sitting next to him.
"Don't you know? Here, we see only in the dark!"
replied his neighbor.
The moral of the parable:
The same is in the theater of this world. Many of the pleasures
and values which people pursue have value only because we find
ourselves in spiritual darkness. When we bring spiritual light
into our lives, these values and pleasures fade, for they are
only imaginary and temporary.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!


“Abba, Father,” Jesus said, “Take this cup from me”
whilst praying in the garden of Gethsemane.
“I know that all things are possible for You
and that there is nothing that You cannot do.”

“Yet not what I will but what You will,” He said
as in deep anguish great drops of blood He bled.
Then He went on to complete salvations plan
agreed by the Godhead before time began.

“Abba, Father,” like Jesus we too can cry
as we pour out our soul to the Lord on high.
For sons and daughters of Mighty God are we
and never more in slavery shall we be.

The Spirit of Christ is dwelling in our heart
and causes all the dread and fear to depart.
For our Lord Jesus drained that bitter cup dry
when He bowed His head upon the cross to die.

“Abba Father,” the Spirit has testified
that we’re the children for whom He has died.
We’re heirs of God and co-heirs with Jesus Christ
sharing in His suffering and sacrifice.

No more as orphans for the Father we know
we’re in His family where life's riches flow.
Led by the Spirit we gaze upon His face
and His love floods into our soul by His grace.

We are sons and daughters of the living God
when we walk the same pathway that Jesus trod.
We’re saved by His grace and purchased by His blood
and trusting in the promises of our God.