Tuesday, November 12, 2013



Lord, I look to you to restore my soul
You fill me up and make me whole

I look only to you and no other
As you are my father and your son is my savior

I want to do your will and walk in your ways
I want to feel the drops of your amazing grace

Forgiving, loving, miraculous, and breath-taking
Always on my side and never forsaking

Walking next to me every step of the way
Your arms around me and never going away

I feel your overwhelming love inside
You are everything I need; You always provide

Broken, I came to you and raised up my hands
Feeling worthless and lost with no where to stand

At times I may fall from your path and stray
But I just look up at your face and you show me the way

Blessed, I am for everything, even for experiencing strife
You sacraficed your only son so that I could sin and now Choose LIFE!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Honoring Our VeteransOn Veterans' Day, we try to honor
The veterans who served our nation.
I am thankful for their service,
Transferring from station to station.

Some veterans fought on front lines.
Many veterans served in harm's way.
Special honors are due these veterans.
Let us give them honor on this day.

Some fought in fox holes and trenches
In some foreign lands across the sea.
Others protected our dear home front,
Providing safety to you and to me.

Let us be thankful to all our veterans,
And let us pray for our nation too.
May God bless America, our great land,
And for God, may Americans stand true.