Monday, November 4, 2013

In Christ Jesus

In Christ Jesus

I am so very happy and glad today,
For all my sins are washed away!
They are under the blood of the Lamb.
I stand justified before the great I Am.

I am in Christ, my Lord and Savior.
I am happily living in God's favor.
I will witness for Him in every place,
Telling others of His saving grace.

I love Christ Jesus with all my heart.
For Him, I want to always do my part.
I strive to be more like Him every day
In how I behave and in what I say.

For my Lord, I want to be on fire,
For serving Him is my utmost desire.
The inner joy I have will not cease.
Being in Christ gives wonderful peace.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
The Move
In order for God to take you to another place,
He must first move you from where you are.
The move often seems like disaster,
but it's only the creaking and groaning of a reluctant door.