Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hallelujah ! It May Be Today

Hallelujah! It May Be Today!

I'm gazing toward the eastern sky
And wishing that maybe today,
Jesus will meet us in the air
And will rapture His church away.

I'm not attached to this world.
I can leave everything behind.
I won't need to take anything,
Not any baggage of any kind.

All my problems will be solved
As I leave them all here below.
I will abandon all my sorrows,
Along with my troubles and woe.

It really would be nice to avoid
The services of the undertaker.
I would like to go home today
With my Savior, the upper taker.

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Come quickly and take us away!
I'm watching, waiting, and working.
Hallelujah! It may be today!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless