Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Rejoicing In The Lord

Rejoicing In The Lord

I am happy in the Lord today.
My heart is glad as I rejoice.
All is well within my soul
Since I made Jesus my choice.

Trials may come into my life,
But I'll never cease to pray.
I will trust in His wisdom,
For He will show me the way.

God fills my heart with peace.
He is a great friend so true.
He supplies my every need
And gives extra blessings too.

Friend, if you're downhearted
And have no peace deep within,
Then take Jesus as your Savior.
He'll forgive you of your sin. 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !


I attended the funeral of Frank Griffith today .. He passed one 
day short of his 90th birthday. As his daughter tearfully read a 
letter that he wrote as he neared 90, it was a profound writing 
that reflected a life satisfied and well lived.
The letter:
One of the most difficult concepts for me to grasp or believe is 
that of heaven. A place that's greater than that in which I 
presently reside. 
Can there be a location that's more beautiful, more comfortable 
or even more interesting? I love the earth and the years of life 
on earth I have been afforded. It's a glorious place to be. 
There's only one privilege beyond that of being born in this 
earth. It's being allowed to remain there many many years.
I have been granted that privilege. 
God loves me. 
I was upon earth, a citizen of the world's greatest country and 
a member of a family that protected and cared for me. I have 
lived long in a magnificent world. Each day has provided a new 
miracle. And I now look upon my children and grandchildren and 
know I am blessed with great wealth. 
God loves me.
  Frank Griffith Oct. 23, 1923 - Oct. 22, 2013~
Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God 
would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come 
with your careful observation, nor will people say, 'Here it 
is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you."
Luke 17:20-21 NIV